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Written by: Max Klein

These days in the United States the issue of abortion has become a hot topic. This led to a discussion regarding this matter with some members of my congregation. Thus, let me briefly address this issue.

1. We should already understand that human life begins at birth, and not before. If there is any doubt regarding this, may I suggest that you read the booklet, ‘The Origin of Human Life’ by R. B. Thieme Jr.

2. Is having an abortion a matter of personal choice or should the government make that decision? In order to answer this question, we need to know whether having an abortion is a crime or not.

3. If having an abortion were a crime, then of course the government should mandate against it.

4. In order for an abortion to be a crime even a murder, the fetus would have to be viable. In other words, a viable fetus emerges from a mother’s womb at birth; God then imputes soul-life resulting in human life. At that point, there exist a human being. If then someone should kill that new born child, it would be murder. If on the other hand that fetus was not viable, then God would never impute soul-life it. In that case, there would only be a fetus without human life, and therefore, not a human being. Then at the very most, the one having an abortion would be destroying a non-viable fetus.

5. When does a fetus become viable? In other words, if a fetus emerges from a mother’s womb, at what stage of development, could it live?

6. From my research, the human fetus cannot live unless it is at some point beyond 20 weeks of development. Thus, an abortion cannot be murder if it should occur within that first 20 weeks of development.

7. If an abortion should occur after this period and the fetus should be deemed viable, then of course, it would be murder.

8. If murder is involved, then the government functioning under the Laws of Establishment would have a duty and right to prohibit that abortion.

9. If an abortion on the other hand should occur during the period of development in which the fetus is not viable, then it would not be murder and the government should not be involved.

10. So, if a person should desire an abortion sometime during the first 20 weeks of a pregnancy, it becomes a matter of personal choice. For example, if a man’s wife is raped by some criminal and becomes pregnant, she should have the right to have an abortion as long as it’s done before the fetus become viable.

11. A person should have certain rights regarding his own body. After all, it is his or her own body. For example, what kinds of foods he chooses to eat, or whether he chooses to subject his body to a vaccination or not or in the case of a woman whether she chooses for an bona fide abortion or not.

12. If a person should contend that he has the right to reject a vaccination, but does not approve of other people’s rights to remove an unwanted, non-viable fetus, he is contradicting himself and a bit hypocritical.

13. Some allege that allowing bona fide abortions is tantamount to encouraging promiscuity. This is similar to Christians contending that the use of God’s Recovery Procedure (Rebound) encourages sinning. Both of these allegations are false. Anything that is truthful and Biblical does not encourage promiscuity. Only if one should distort these truths, might they encourage sinning, but doctrine is not built on distortions.

14. Biblically, it is the sin nature that encourages sexual promiscuity, and if this encouragement is agreed upon by the volition, then promiscuity will occur.

15. A Christian well-grounded in the Laws of Establishment and metabolized doctrine circulating in his stream of consciousness with the necessary norms and standards in his or her consciousness, would not be tempted to distort these issues. Only a Christian living his life out of fellowship with no doctrine in his soul and thus having no control over his sin nature would be tempted to distort these issues.

16. For a Christian to support the government’s ban on all abortions is tantamount to an attack upon the Laws of Divine Establishment regarding the rights of an individual granted to him by God.

17. If a person is lacking truth in his soul, he will have no defense against his sin nature. If such a person is tempted toward being promiscuous, you would be very naïve to presume that you could pass a law banning abortion and somehow that would discourage that person from promiscuity.

18. Most women involved in promiscuity have no intention of becoming pregnant and would not like to face an abortion which is both dangerous and expensive.

19. Using the law in order to discourage promiscuity would be like using the law to prevent Christians from maligning each other. The law was designed to prevent crime, not such sins as fornication and adultery.

Further elaboration on Abortion:

Hosea 4:1, “Hear the Word of the Lord, you citizens of Israel, for the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land [the Northern Kingdom, but applies to the U. S. today] because there is no truth [no doctrine is being taught and learned], and there is no grace being applied [there was no appreciation and response to the love of God], and there is no knowledge of God in the land.”

A few points for consideration:

1. My guess is that 99% of American Christians are in apostasy, and living outside of God’s plan for their lives. They are outside of God’s plan because they do not understand God’s plan.

2. They do not understand God’s plan because these Christians do not realize the importance of learning the Word of God from a prepared pastor.

3. Being outside of God’s plan, they are ignorant of the doctrines of Scripture. One such doctrine which not only impacts the Christian but also the unbeliever is the doctrinal information regarding biological life, soul-life and human life.

4. Ninety-nine percent of these Christians confuse biological life with human life. For this reason, they believe that human life exists in the womb, and that this human life began at conception.

5. Another words, the sperm and egg which are biologically alive somehow when united produce the everlasting spiritual soul with human life in it. This is the thinking of the ignorant, apostate Christian or the ignorant unbeliever who has been influenced by a Christian in apostasy.

6. A viable, biological fetus versus a non-viable biological fetus: In this class, we are defining a viable, biological fetus as one which can live outside of the womb assuming that God from his sovereignty first Selects and then imputes the ‘spark of life’ to that biological life. Only in this way, can a viable fetus with biological life become a human being. If the Lord on the other hand should decide not to Select and impute the Spark of Life, then the fetus would be ‘still born.’ On the other hand, a non-viable fetus is a fetus which cannot live apart from mother-dependence. If such a fetus should be aborted, God would not Select such a fetus. We need a term to distinguish between a fetus that can live outside of the womb if God should choose to Select it versus a fetus which cannot live after emerging from the womb.

7. Because of the ignorance among Christians and others today in the United States there is total confusion regarding abortion. This confusion has bled into the political arena. In the political arena, the conservative movement is being destroyed by their view regarding abortion.

8. Since there is no human life in the womb, and since God never provides the Spark of Life to any fetus in the womb, whatever happens to that fetus in the womb is not a theological issue. It only becomes an issue after emerging from the womb, and breaks away from mother-dependance.

9. Therefore, unfortunately, most conservatives in the United State are opposed to aborting a non-viable fetus, and want to pass laws forbidding a woman from aborting such a fetus. This in effect is a form of tyranny and violates the rights and the freedoms of women.

10. Personally, I do not know of any great male conservative who holds the correct view on abortion. In such a case, should one consider voting for a great female conservative with the correct view on abortion?

11. Even though I believe that men should hold the office of President and Vice President, there are times when a woman might be considered for such positions. Such as in the past when Margarette Thatcher assumed the position of Prime Minister of Great Britain simply because there were no qualified men for that job. There are times when a voter must choose between a highly qualified woman and a male ignoramus with one foot in conservatism and the other foot in evil.

12. The right to abort a non-viable fetus should be protected by the Federal Government. This was the case in the United States under the wonderful court decision of Roe v. Wade. This supreme court decision protected all American women even in states controlled by apostate Christians and religious unbelievers. In conclusion, since many states are under the control of apostate and tyrannical Christians and other apostates, this responsibility of the Federal government should not have been delegated to the individual States.

13. Roe v. Wade should have never been overturned. The best statement I have knowledge of regarding Roe v. Wade is from a brilliant female conservative. Let me quote from a statement made just before the 2020 presidential election. “The very real possibility of Roe v. Wade being overturned terrifies me. I am sick of women’s bodies being used as pawns so politicians can score cheap political points at the expense of their freedom and safety.”

14. Today, the conservative movement is being destroyed by well-meaning Christians and ignorant unbelievers who have little to no understanding of the Word of God. Without truth in the soul, there can be no wisdom.

15. Case in point: There is a young, well-meaning and intelligent political leader who is unwittingly, unknowingly helping to destroy the conservative movement. Every time he opens his mouth, the conservative movement loses 100,000 votes (guesstimate). Listen to some of the nonsense this person believes in. For example, he has observed that most of the far left are childless. This he implies explains why they are so far to the left. He doesn’t realize that the issue is truth, not children. Those of the far left have rejected truth and most of that ilk hate the truth. In his total lack of wisdom, he goes on to say that to have children is to invest in the future of the United States, and he implies that this is the only way one can make America great again. In other words, a married pastor without children though teaching the truth is not investing in America’s future. A married soldier who has given his life to defend freedom is not investing in the future unless he has a family, not realizing that if these children do not respond to truth, they will be a bad investment in the future, not a good one.

16. How can anyone be so lacking in truth and wisdom to think that getting married and having a slew of children somehow will make a nation great, and somehow by overturning Roe v. Wade will make the people of the United States more virtuous. How can someone be so tyrannical in mandating that women have no right to choose for aborting a non-viable fetus which would be equivalent to a miscarriage. This person is not supporting freedom, but tyranny.

17. A person can be well-meaning and have a zeal for his nation, but without truth and wisdom, he becomes a part of the problem, not the solution.

18. A pragmatic person with some common sense, but lacks in truth and wisdom is not a true conservative. Furthermore, intelligence is no substitute for truth and wisdom.

19. Hosea 4 makes it quite clear namely that a people’s attitude toward truth is what causes a nation to go up or down, not how many babies a married couple can pump-out.

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