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The Progeny of Abraham

Written by: Max Klein

Abraham having been sexually revived became the father of the Jewish race at 100. Sometime after his adultery with Hagar at age 86 (Genesis 16:3), Abraham lost his sexual ability. Sarah his wife at 90 was past the menopause. So, neither were capable of bearing children. Even though the situation was hopeless, Abraham believed the promise that God would provide for him a son through Sarah. As a mature believer with the ability to wield the shield of faith, God revived him sexually and restored the function of his wife’s womb. In reviving him sexually, God changed his genetic code to produce a new race and so Abraham became the first Jew in history.

As it stands written [quote Gen 17:5]: “I have decreed you a father of many nations.” In the sight of Him [God] whom he [Abraham] believed, even God, who gave life to the [sexually] dead ones [Abraham & Sarah], and designated those things which did not exist as now existing; Who beyond hope [of sexual prosperity] believed in hope [fulfillment of God’s promise], in order that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which He had spoken [quote Gen 15:5], "So your seed [Hebrew: zerah; Greek: sperma] shall exist." And so not becoming weak in that faith, he completely understood his own body which had become [sexually] dead when he was approximately one hundred years old likewise, he completely understood the deadness of Sarah's womb. [Abraham] who staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what God had promised, God was able to do.
(Romans 4:17-21)

God said that he would make Abraham the father of many nations (he fathered the Jewish people and many Arab peoples). Now, Abraham became the father of the Jewish nation in the sense that he was the first Jew, not that he actually founded the Jewish nation for Moses did that. When God revived Abraham sexually, he actually changed up his genetic code. This is why the Scripture states that the Jews came from the sperm (the Hebrew word “zerah” and the Greek word “sperma.”) of Abraham. The Jews did not come from the sperm of Terah, Abraham’s father. Abraham’s father was an Akkadian, not Jewish. Abraham became the first Jew at approximately 100 years of age.

Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven [at salvation], and whose sins have been covered [at salvation]. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account. Is this blessing [pre-salvation sins forgiven at salvation], therefore, for the circumcision [for Jews only] or is it also for the uncircumcision [for the gentile as well]? For we contend that his faith [at salvation] was credited to Abraham for righteousness [imputed righteousness]. How then was it credited; while he was in circumcision [a Jew] or in uncircumcision [gentile]? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision [Abraham became a believer with imputed righteousness when he was an uncircumcised Akkadian] (Romans 4:7-10).

Abraham became a believer while he was living in Ur of the Chaldeans. At that time, he was a gentile (uncircumcised). So, circumcision was not a part of his salvation or even remotely related to it.

In fact, he received the ritual mark of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith [at approximately 100, Abraham’s spiritual life (experiential righteousness) was very strong in the faith-rest drill] while uncircumcised [while a gentile], that this same one [Abraham] might be a father [pattern] to all who believe during uncircumcision that righteousness might be credited to them
(Romans 4:11).

When Abraham was in the process of circumcising himself, he was still a gentile. Abraham did not become a Jew until after he had completed his circumcision. At soon as Abraham had completed his own circumcision God revived him sexually and changed his genetic code making him the first Jew. Abraham’s genetic code was changed from an Akkadian to a Jew one nanosecond after his circumcision.

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