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Angelic Conflict

Written by: Max Klein

Relating the pre-historic angelic history to human history:

Some introductory points:

1. God always provides free will for His higher creatures namely free will to succeed or free will to fail.

2. God always lets his higher creatures understand their choices namely if you follow His plan, then you can expect this etc. If you reject His plan, then the integrity of God will punish you for the consequences of your decision.

3. Just as the Lord made it very clear the choices Adam and Ishah had in the garden, so God made it very clear to the angels regarding their choices in their heavenly state. In summary, if they should stay with God and His plan, they will be blessed forever; if not they would be punished forever.

4. The Lord graciously provided perfect environment both for the angels in their habitat and for mankind in the Garden of Eden.

5. The Lord always tests the free will (volition) of his higher creatures namely angels and humans whether they want to remain under His authority and plan or not.

6. Since the angels already possessed perfect righteousness, eternal life in their eternal bodies and already were living with God, the test was quite simple namely do the angels want to remain under God’s authority and gracious plan and provision or not. This decision would be an eternal decision to be made within a specified period. Adam and his wife’s eternal decision for eternal relationship with God would take place after their fall. Their descendants would make their eternal decision regarding God and His plan in a fallen state.

7. The Lord always provides a time frame in which the creature must make that eternal decision. After which he is locked-in to the consequences of that decision.

8. Lucifer was the first creature to make his decision which was to reject the Lord’s authority and gracious plan. He did so, knowing clearly what the consequences of that decision would be. Though he understood clearly, he wasn’t concerned since he assumed that he would be victorious by making himself like the Most-High God.

9. Satan’s rejection was expressed “I will be like the Most-High God.” Since he assumed that he would succeed, the Lake of Fire was not a concern.

10. Also, Satan convinced one third of the angels that he would succeed in the revolt and therefore, there should be no concern regarding what the Lord had stated about the Lake of Fire.

11. Just as Satan convinced one third of the angels so does he convince the majority of people today that this story about heaven and the Lake of Fire is only a fairy tale.

12. In the Garden, Satan convinced the woman that the warning the Lord gave to Adam and ultimately to her about eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a lie. Furthermore, if she were to eat, she would be as smart as God (I will be like the Most-High God), and consequently infinitely smarter than her husband with the implication that Adam would be taking orders from her henceforth. Of course, after her little plan failed, she invited Adam to join her by handing him the forbidden fruit.

13. In the Garden, their decisions were not eternal in nature. The Lord did not say to Adam that in the day he ate from the fruit of the forbidden tree, namely the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that he would be eternally condemned and bound for the Lake of Fire. No! He merely warned Adam that he would die spiritually immediately by eating from the forbidden fruit and ultimately die physically.

14. After Lucifer and one third of the angels made their decisions to reject the Lord and His plan, a trial was held in which Satan and his comrades were sentenced forever to the Lake of Fire.

15. During this pre-historic angelic trial, Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan, a Hebrew word, the exact equivalent to diabolos in the Greek. These words not only have the meaning of a defense attorney, but also one who impugns the character of someone; one who slanders. So, these words not only tell us that Satan functioned as the defense attorney for himself and his comrades during the pre-historic angelic trial, but also that he impugned the integrity of God. How he impugned the integrity of God a primary component of the love of God, we do not know. We just know that he did. He may have implied or even stated that a loving God with perfect integrity would never sentence his creatures to the Lake of Fire. Also, he likely alleged that his rights and those of his comrades as creatures of God were violated. Therefore, Satan requested that an appeal trial would need to be convened in order to properly address this issue.

16. Possibly to make this issue crystal clear to both the fallen and elect angels, God the Father, the presiding judge granted him an appeal trial. The Lord would create lower creatures who would function as witnesses in this appeal trial, initially Adam and his wife, Ishah. (In the pre-historic trial, certain key elect and the fallen angels would have been called forward as witnesses to testify.) Angelic witnesses would be replaced by human witnesses. Satan would function as the defense attorney and the Lord as the prosecuting attorney.

17. The phases of this trial were as follows:


1. The Opening Statement, Adam and his wife in the Garden: The opening statement at the beginning of the trial is limited to outlining facts. This is each party's opportunity to introduce core dispute(s) in the case and provide a general road map of how the trial is expected to unfold. In the Garden, the Lord laid-out his strategy which was to prove that He was a loving God and that his institutions and His plan for mankind and angels were perfect. On the other hand, Satan made it quite clear that when he said that he would be like the Most-High God, he really meant that he would be greater than the Lord by demonstrating that his policy and plan encompassing good and evil would be the best for mankind and for angels as well.

2. The Formal phase of the Trial, the Old Testament: In this phase of the trial, evidence both direct and circumstantial is gathered and presented. Direct evidence usually includes the following: eyewitness-accounts, confessions etc. Circumstantial evidence usually is that which suggests a fact by implication or inference. Either kind of evidence can be offered in oral testimony of witnesses or physical exhibits, and documents.

During the Old Testament, the Lord demonstrated over and over again through evidence gathered and through testimony that He is a God of love with emphasis on integrity, wisdom and power and that His plan for mankind is perfect including His Laws of Establishment and His plan for believers. In effect, He proved that there is no one like Him. Satan on the other hand gathered evidence trying to prove that his plan and policy of good and evil is much superior to the Lord’s plan. Satan attempted to prove that his good and evil which includes socialism and tyranny is better than the Lord’s system of nationalism and freedom; his economic system of confiscation of wealth and its redistribution is better than the Lord’s free market system etc. Satan compiled evidence and then distorted the implications to suggest that God is not a God of love. For he questioned some of God’s decisions and action. For example, how could a God of love destroy so many people with the flood? How could a loving God destroy those lovely Canaanites living in the Pentapolis just because the Lord did not agree with their sexual preferences? How could a loving God command the killing of men, women, children and animals in the conquest of the Canaanites?


Since the perfect marriage failed in the Garden, Satan would compile more evidence in the Old Testament that would suggest that the divine institution of marriage was not a good design. Satan’s contention was made easier since most of the greats in the Old Testament did not farewell in marriage. For example, Abraham and Sarah had a horrible marriage most of their marriage life. He was a wimp, and she was a bitch. It was so bad that he was willing to give his wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt and then after leaving Egypt acquired a mistress as a substitute for relationship with his wife. Then, after Sarah died, he barely waited long enough for her corpse to cool before he married again. Jacob’s marriage life was a disaster namely two legal wives and two mistresses. The greatest believer of the Old Testament divorced his first wife. Then, there was David who had over 20 wives with whom he had 90 worthless sons. This evidence obviously was accumulated and presented by Satan.


3. The rebuttal of Christ during the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union and the Church Age: At the conclusion of the defendant's case, the plaintiff or government (in this case, the Lord) can present rebuttal witnesses or evidence to refute evidence presented by the defendant. This may include only evidence not presented in the case initially, or a new witness who contradicts the defendant's witnesses. Christ defeats Satan’s argument against the love of God during the 1st Advent by becoming a mediator uniting infinite God with finite mankind in order to resolve man’s sin problem. A tremendous decision related to impersonal love. Then, the ultimate demonstration of the love of God the Father and the humanity of Christ was the work on the cross. Furthermore, the Lord rebuts Satan’s attack against marriage by raising the standards of marriage and relating those standards to the spiritual life in the Church Age as found in Ephesians 5:22-25. In every generation of the Church Age, there is at least one married couple who are able to meet these standards as commanded in Ephesian’s chapter 5 which becomes the strongest possible testimony for the divine institution of marriage. This completely rebuts Satan’s argument against marriage.


4. The rebuttal of Satan in the Tribulation: Satan after seeing how the evidence that he had accumulated against the love of God and marriage has been successfully rebutted in the Christo-centric dispensations (the 1st Advent and the Church Age), he decides that any rebuttal would be hopeless. So, he goes to violence.


5. The Closing Statement of the Lord, the prosecuting attorney during His Millennial rule on the earth: The Lord in His closing statement makes it very clear that only He has the ability and the integrity to bring-in perfect environment.


6. The Closing Statement of Satan in the violence of the Gog-Magog revolution since he will realize that he is losing the appeal trial.

18. In order for this trial to be fair and unbiased, God made a sovereign decision to permit the free will of mankind to coexist with his sovereignty. Man can freely choose for God or Satan in this trial.

19. Since human history is an appeal trial, God permitted Satan, the defense attorney to cross examine the first witnesses in the appeal trial namely Adam and his wife. Before doing so, Satan observed them both carefully.

20. He observed the woman’s dissatisfaction of being under Adam’s authority though his rulership over her was perfect. Satan also observed Adam’s tremendous love for his wife, a love that seemed to Satan to be greater than Adam’s love for the Lord. So, Satan knew that if he could get the woman, that he could also get the man to fall.

21. Satan knew that if he were to attack the man first, it would not be a clear victory for if he got Adam to fall first, then Adam could merely command his wife to eat of the fruit. In so doing, the woman would have a legitimate complaint since the Lord had placed her under Adam’s authority. On the one hand, she would be in violation of the Lord’s mandate not to eat of this fruit, but on the other hand she would have obeyed her husband as she was commanded to do by the Lord.

22. By getting both Adam and his wife to eat of the forbidden fruit, and consequently enter into spiritual death and to be expelled from the Garden, Satan was victorious in this Opening Statement of the trial.

23. After which, Satan and his comrades undoubtedly threw a grand victory-party. Satan in his tremendous genius knew that there was no solution to man’s fall for mankind was in a hopeless, helpless situation. There was no solution, but one which Satan had overlooked. Only a member of the Trinity becoming a mediator and then going to the cross and bearing the sins of mankind could resolve this problem, but who could ever have imagined this!

24. The Lord announced to Satan that He would become a mediator and savior for mankind. Genesis 3:15, “I will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman, and between your seed and her seed [a reference to the humanity of Christ]; he [Jesus Christ on the cross] shall bruise your head [the strategic defeat of Satan], and you shall bruise his heel [Jesus will be punished for the sins of the world]." This announcement must have been a tremendous shock and blow to Satan and his comrades.

25. The Lord brings in more witnesses which will be the environment for the formal trial in which both the defense attorney and the prosecuting attorneys present their objectives. Genesis 1:28, “And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth [in anticipation of the Fall and the 2nd stage of the trial] and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

26. In the Old Testament, namely the formal trial Satan tries to prove that he is superior to the Lord. For example, since marriage failed in the garden, Satan maintained that the institution of marriage was not a good system. Satan offers as a substitute for the divine institution of marriage, multifarious choices such as fornicate as you desire, the phallic cult with child sacrifice, short term relationships, homosexual and lesbian relationships, polygamy etc. This attack against the perfect institution of marriage is not put to rest (defeated) until the Church Age in which the Lord raises the standards of marriage as per Ephesians 5:22-25. A few great marriages in which the man and wife are able to obey the mandates as found in this passage defeats Satan’s attack against marriage, proving that there is nothing wrong with this divine institution, but the weak point being the people involved.

27. Satan’s impugning of the love of God is finally put to rest on the cross, part of rebuttal phase of the Angelic Appeal Trial. Romans 5:8, “But the God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us.” The greatest expression of personal and impersonal love!

28. During the formal stage of the trial, the Lord adds to volition and marriage the following: family and nationalism. Providing protection, security, prosperity and a measure of happiness to those who follow them. Satan does everything he can to attack and destroy each and every one of these divine institutions. Proving over and over again, that he will never be like the Most-High God. Though the Lord must allow the evil of Satan to run its course, He does not lose control. In the pre-diluvian period of the formal trial, Satan even tried to destroy true humanity on the earth via the cohabitation of demons with the females of that period. This the Lord shut down with the flood.

29. In order to concentrate his power and influence and by so doing destroy all freedom to believe in Christ and grow spiritually, Satan attempted the first ‘United Nations’ in the Tower of Babel. This of course, the Lord shut down by creating many languages, the greatest barrier to internationalism.

30. Wherever, Satan focusses his attention and gets the peoples of an area to follow his ‘brilliant ideas’ like homosexuality, it leads to total decadence like in Sodom and Gomorra and the other cities in that area. If the Lord had not stepped in and destroyed those cities, this cancer would have eventually destroyed the entire inhabited earth.

31. After the formal trial is brought to a close by the 1st Advent of Christ, He rebuts all the stupid and evil ideas of Satan. This he does during his three-year public ministry, His work on the cross and the Church Age.

32. Satan’s attack against God design of marriage will be rebutted during the Church Age. Furthermore, the Lord demonstrates through the mature believers of every generation but especially in the Church Age that his plan for mankind produces the greatest possible happiness and capacity for life. This He demonstrates through mature believers taking Evidence Testing.

33. After the Lord’s rebuttal during His 1st Advent and the rebuttal of the Church Age believers, Satan realizes that all is lost. So, when it is his time to rebut, he goes to violence.

34. The Tribulation is Satan’s rebuttal and the greatest period of violence the world will ever know.

35. In contrast to the disastrous period from the fall of man to the 2nd Advent in which period Satan rules, a period of one disaster after another, the Millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ will be the greatest period of peace, health, longevity and prosperity of any period of history. This being the closing statement of our Lord Jesus Christ.

36. Satan is released from the Abyss to make his closing statement namely the fomenting a rebellion against perfect government.

Some documentation on the fall of Satan and man in the Garden:

Angelic creatures were created simultaneously with no gradual development. Psalm 148:2a, 5, “Praise Him, all His angels; (5) Let them praise the person of the Lord [God the Son] for He commanded and they were created [in heaven with eternal bodies and perfect angelic righteousness].”

Of His creation, the greatest was Lucifer. Ezekiel 28:12, “Son of man [Ezekiel], take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyre, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “You [Lucifer] had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and great beauty.” He has a voice like a pipe organ. He was superior in genius, beauty, personality, and persuasiveness to any creature. As a creature, Lucifer had a throne, “I will raise my throne above the stars [angels] of God.” He was the chief of angels and his name was Lucifer, [light bearer, the Shining One].

Ezekiel 28:14-17, “You were the anointed cherub who guarded the throne room; I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God [in the great castle of God]. You walked among the stones of fire [the interior of that castle]. (15) You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness [his revolt and fall: his eternal decision] was found in you [This was the creator talking to Satan]. (16) By the abundance of your slander [to go from one place to another to gossip] they filled your inner life with violence and you sinned [a reference to the fall of Satan which was his eternal decision]. Therefore, I have cast you as defiled from the mountain of God [God’s castle], and I have excluded you, O Guardian Cherub away from [separated from] the stones of fire [the interior of the castle]. (17) Your heart became arrogant [was lifted up] because of your beauty. You corrupted [distorted] your wisdom [through arrogance] because of your glamour [he dissociated from all that God had provided]. I cast you to the earth. I put you before kings that they may see you.”
Isaiah 14:12-14, “How you have fallen from heaven, O Star of the Morning, Son of the Dawn [a title Lucifer held until his fall]. You have been cut down to the earth [in the middle of the Tribulation], you who have weakened the nations [through your cosmic thinking]. But you said in your heart [stream of consciousness], ‘I will ascend to heaven;’ [Satan wanted to be the ruler of the third heaven. This was his desire to displace God as the ruler.] ‘I will raise my throne above the stars of God;’ [The stars of God refer to angels, Job 38:7; Revelation 12:3-4. He wanted to rule over all the angels, not just one third of them.] ‘And I will sit on the mount of the assembly in the recesses of the north.’ [where he would have his throne] ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;’ [will rule over all the angels] ‘I will make myself like the Most-High.’” [Satan thought that he would replace God as the final authority.]

The angelic decision to retain perfect angelic righteousness and to have eternal life with God or the eternal lake of fire with Satan was a decision all the angels had to make after Satan’s fall, his eternal decision to reject God and His plan. There was no need for a God-angel, no need for a cross whereby angelic sins would be an issue. They already had perfect righteousness and eternal life in their eternal bodies. Those who chose to follow Satan, also made their eternal decisions. Satan succeeded in persuading one-third of all angelic beings to revolt with him. Revelation 12:4a, “And his tail [Satan's great power] dragged away a third of the stars [shining ones, a designation for angels] of heaven [convinced these angels to revolt].”

After all the angels had made their decisions either pro or con, there was a prehistoric trial in which Satan and his minions were sentenced to the Lake of Fire. Matthew 25:41, “Then He will also say to those on His left [at the 2nd Advent], ‘Depart from me accursed ones into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.” Satan appealed God’s sentencing of him and his fallen angels to the Lake of Fire, and God the Father, the presiding judge graciously granted him an appeal. The appeal spans human history which explains the following: why God created the first two human beings (If one is going to have a trial, one must have witnesses); why angels are permitted to participate in human history; why Satan was permitted to tempt the woman in the garden, and to cross examine Job; why human history is broken down into the different parts of a trial; why Satan and his angels were not immediately cast into the Lake of Fire; and why they will not enter the Lake of Fire until after human history comes to a close (Satan loses his appeal).

During the trial, Lucifer acquired the name Satan, a Hebrew word (Diabolos in the Greek) usually translated as devil. Both the word Satan and Diobolos have the same meaning. They refer to an attorney who slanders but gets away with it due to some legal loophole. Satan functioned as a defense attorney for himself and the fallen angels at the trial which was convened after their falls. When God sentenced Lucifer and all fallen angels to the Lake of Fire, it was inevitable that Satan would appeal the sentence, and at the same time impugn the character of God. The blasphemous appeal of Satan was based on some legal principle, possibly one which has come down to us today. He probably argued, “How can a loving God cast his own creatures into the Lake of Fire forever, ignoring of course their decision regarding this matter? The actual blasphemous appeal of Satan is unknown to us, but that an appeal was filed with God is deduced from the lapse of time between the sentence of fallen angels (Matthew 25:41) in eternity past and the execution of that sentence at the termination of human history (Revelation 20:10). Since this sentence has not been carried out, but will be carried out (Revelation 20:10) forces one to a logical conclusion namely between the passing of the sentence in eternity past and the execution of that sentence at the end of the Millennium and the Gog-Magog Revolution, an appeal trial is occurring in human history. Therefore, it is concluded that human history is not only coterminous with the appeal trial of Satan and his fallen angels, but human history is the actual function of that trial, and that mankind was created to resolve that trial.

Some similarities and differences between the fall of Satan and his comrades and the fall of mankind in the garden. Similarities: Satan wanted to be like the Most-High God; the woman wanted to be like the Most-High God for she thought that if she were to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, she would be as smart as God. Genesis 3:4, 5, “But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. (5) For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." One third of the angels loved Satan more than the Lord God; Adam loved his wife more than the Lord God. Both these angels and Adam and his wife failed. Both Satan and his comrades and Adam and his wife had perfect creature righteousness at the time of their sins. Differences: Both Satan and his comrades made an eternal decision rejecting God and His plan; Adam and his wife made a decision that caused their spiritual death and expulsion from the Garden of Eden, but it was not an eternal decision regarding God. Genesis 2:16, 17, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; (17) but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it dying [spiritual death] you will die [physically]." Satan and his comrades in their eternal bodies made their decision from heaven; Adam and his wife made their decision in non-eternal bodies from the Garden.

After the fall of Adam and his wife, they made an eternal decision for God and His plan. This was a decision similar to the decision of the elect angels who decided for God and His plan. Genesis 3:21, “And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins, and clothed them.” [This is a picture of clothing them with imputed righteousness after their faith in the one who would go to the cross and be punished for their sins.]


Human history is organized into a trial. The opening statement of the appeal trial is the garden with the initial two witnesses; the formal phase of the trial is the Old Testament; the First Advent and the Church Age is the rebuttal of Christ, the prosecuting attorney; the Tribulation is the rebuttal of Satan. The Millennial reign of Christ is the closing statement of the Lord functioning as the prosecuting attorney. Satan also must have a closing statement which explains why he must be released for a short time at the end of human history. The Gog-Magog Revolution is Satan’s closing statement.

The answer to Satan's appeal is twofold: The perfect and eternal character of God cannot be unfair or prejudiced, and cannot pass a false sentence. Secondly, the negative volition of Satan and all fallen angels demands punishment from the perfect righteousness and justice of God. The soul of angels contains a super intellect, and much smarter than we are. They had a clear understanding of God's provision while having fellowship with Him forever, and yet they rejected it. To demonstrate the perfection of divine integrity and the fairness of God's sentence to all fallen angels, God agreed to an appeal trial and so created man and, simultaneously, the principle of human history, the new creature experiment. To resolve the angelic conflict, a creature called man was created inferior to angels, and confined to planet earth. Hence, planet earth is the arena or stadium for the historical extension of the angelic conflict. Man possesses one thing in common with these super angelic creatures: he has a similar soul which contains a rational mind and a free will or volition, Psalm 8:3-5; Hebrew 2:7. These new creatures, homo sapiens, would demonstrate in a system called history, the fairness of God, the perfection of His integrity, and the righteousness of His judgment on fallen angels in prehistoric times.
Now for some application: Keep in mind that human history is the stage for the Angelic Appeal Trial. Satan functions as the defense attorney for himself and the fallen angels and the Lord functions as the prosecuting attorney. Both the defense attorney and the prosecuting attorney have witnesses which will give testimony. The Lord only calls as his witnesses, mature believers for only their testimony would have value in this trial. This evidence is collected through Evidence Testing. In human history, man's thoughts, motives, decisions, and actions are entered as evidence, exhibits, precedents, and arguments in Satan's appeal trial. Every believer who attains maturity is an argument or witness for the Prosecution against Satan. No believer qualifies as the Lord’s witness against Satan until he has attained spiritual maturity which is tantamount to the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God. Evidence testing, then, is Satan's cross-examination of every witness presented by God. Evidence Testing is defined as Satan's attempt, through cross-examination of suffering, to discredit those believers who attain spiritual maturity.

The ultimate in the life of the believer is attaining spiritual maturity, at which point many things occur. His escrow blessings for time are conveyed to him, followed by the highest honor God can convey to a believer, the privilege of taking evidence testing. While Evidence Testing comes quickly, without any notice or warning, and always occurs at a time when least expected since the believer has reached a peak in his spiritual life, it is completely and totally undeserved suffering. Though it is very, very severe, God never puts on the believer more suffering than he can bear. The mature believer must keep in mind that passing evidence testing is the highest category of suffering for blessing, results in the doubling of his escrow blessings for time. Every believer who attains spiritual maturity is a witness for the Prosecution, whether in the formal trial of Old Testament history, in the rebuttal phase of the First Advent and Church Age, or in the closing argument and summary phase of the Second Advent and the Millennium. Keep in mind that the primary purpose of the believer is to become a witness for the Lord, against Satan in the Angelic Appeal Trial. The believer may accomplish many things in life, but if he never reaches the necessary level of spiritual growth to function as a witness in this appeal trial, he has failed in reaching his most important objective in his spiritual life.

Addendum regarding Satan’s decision to reject God and His plan: Was it worth it? Revelation 20:1-10:

Revelation 20:1: Then I saw [a vision] an angel descending from Heaven, having the key of the abyss [the fourth compartment of Hades] and a great chain [giant handcuffs] in his hand.

Καὶ εἶδον ἄγγελον καταβαίνοντα ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, ἔχοντα τὴν κλεῖν τῆς ἀβύσσου καὶ ἅλυσιν µεγάλην ἐπὶ τὴν χεῖρα αὐτοῦ.

The arresting angel coming directly from the throne room of God as he did in Revelation 14:15 is a six-winged angel, the highest angelic rank. This particular seraph is The Officer of Arms, the second highest angel from the Angelic College of Heralds. God never sends a boy to do a man’s job. Furthermore, God always follows protocol both in blessing and in judgment. In this case God selected a powerful, high-ranking angel to make the arrest. Thus, the arresting angel doesn’t need any armament to help him, just his inherent power.

Revelation 14:15, “Then another angel [the Officer of Arms- second highest ranking angel; second only to the King of Arms] came out of the temple [from heaven], and he shouted with a loud voice to Him who was sitting on the cloud, "Send in Your sickle [of judgment] and reap the harvest, because the hour has come to reap [the time for divine judgment], because the harvest of the earth has become over ripe [When the human race thru cosmic involvement is in danger of total destruction, then the Lord destroys segments of the human race where the degeneracy exists].”

Note: R. B. Thieme Jr. developed terminology from English heraldry to help Christians to better understand angelic hierarchy. So, if you are interested, read the following doctrines: Angelic College of Heraldry and Angelic Hierarchy.

Initially, Satan, a Cherub, a four-winged angel was the most powerful angel, but during the angel conflict, the Lord promoted certain angels to a higher and more powerful class called Seraphim, six winged angels. This we understand through deduction.

Satanic influence must be removed before perfect environment can commence, so the need for an arresting angel. The chain will be used to control Satan after his arrest and to bind him for the thousand years in the Abyss, a compartment of Hades (a Greek word; Sheol being the Hebrew equivalent). There cannot be the perfect environment until Satan, his fallen angels and all the religions which Satan has authored are removed. See the doctrine of Hades (Sheol) by R. B. Thieme Jr.

Although Satan in his arrogance gained more power by revolting by which he gained authority over 1/3 of the angels (Revelation 12:4a, “And his tail [Satan's great power] dragged away a third of the stars [shining ones: appearance possibly related to light] of heaven [convinced these angels to revolt”), he lost his authority over those fallen angels at the 2nd Advent. Being alone he was no match for this Seraph. One of the great manifestations of arrogance is greed (selfish and excessive desire for something), not only for monetary gain, but also for approbation and power. Satan wanted to displace God, but instead God replaced him.

Satan in his eternal body will enter prison in good health and will depart prison in good health (an eternal body neither ages nor deteriorates). In addition, we know that after his release, he will have the mental and physical vigor to mastermind a revolution against the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:7-8).

Application: In prehistoric angelic history, the arresting angel started out lower than Satan in rank, position, power and glory et cetera, but ended higher. Thus, it is not how one starts in life, but how he ends up. Principle: No one ever loses by choosing the plan of God.

Revelation 20:2: And he [the Officer of Arms] seized [with violence] the dragon [a term for beauty; a large snake in Classical Greek], that ancient serpent [so named because he indwelt the serpent to tempt the woman] who is the Devil [slanderer, accuser, defense attorney] even Satan [the Hebrew for devil], and bound him [with the chain] for a thousand years.

καὶ ἐκράτησεν τὸν δράκοντα, ὁ ὄφις ὁ ἀρχαῖος, ὅς ἐστιν ∆ιάβολος καὶ ὁ
Σατανᾶς, καὶ ἔδησεν αὐτὸν χίλια ἔτη,

The Greek verb (krateo) means to use force. This Seraph will have to use force to bind and imprison the devil since Satan will not go willingly to the Abyss. (No criminal ever willingly seeks imprisonment.) This angel once inferior to Lucifer [The Morning Star], the Son of the Dawn will be able to easily arrest and bind Satan at the 2nd Advent.

This dragon is not some long snake-like creature breathing fire as many writers portray him. Rather the Scripture depicts this dragon as the quintessence of beauty. Ezekiel states in chapter 28:12b, “You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” and in verse17a, “Your heart [mentality] was lifted up because of your beauty; you distorted your wisdom because of your glamor.”

Revelation 20:3: And he cast him into the abyss and shut and sealed it over him so that he would not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years have been completed. After these things [the closing statement of Jesus Christ and other events of the Millennium], he must be released for a short time [for his closing statement].

καὶ ἔβαλεν αὐτὸν εἰς τὴν ἄβυσσον καὶ ἔκλεισεν καὶ ἐσφράγισεν ἐπάνω αὐτοῦ ἵνα µὴ πλανήσῃ ἔτι τὰ ἔθνη ἄχρι τελεσθῇ τὰ χίλια ἔτη· µετὰ ταῦτα δεῖ λυθῆναι αὐτὸν µικρὸν χρόνον.

This was prophesized in Isaiah 14:15, “Nevertheless, you will be thrust down to Sheol [The Hebrew word for Hades], to the recesses of the pit [a reference to the Abyss, the last compartment of Hades].”

Remember that human history is the appeal trial of Satan and his fallen angels. The Millennial reign of Christ is the closing statement of the Lord functioning as the prosecuting attorney. Satan also must have a closing statement which explains why he must be released for a short time at the end of human history. (The opening statement of the appeal trial is the garden with the initial two witnesses; the formal phase of the trial is the Old Testament; the First Advent and the Church Age is the rebuttal of Christ, the prosecuting attorney; the Tribulation is the rebuttal of Satan.)

Revelation 20:4: And I saw [also in verses 1, 11] thrones [of judgment], and they [the 144,000] sat on them, and judgment was given [culminative aorist: a result of fulfilling their spiritual lives] to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been decapitated [with an ax] because of the witness [testimony in the angelic appeal trial] for Jesus [the 144,000 martyrs] really because of doctrine from God, and these who had not worshiped the beast nor his image, nor had received his mark on their foreheads, nor on their hands. And they both came to life [ingressive aorist: received their resurrection bodies at the 2nd Advent as part of the First Resurrection] and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Καὶ εἶδον θρόνους, καὶ ἐκάθισαν ἐπ’ αὐτούς, καὶ κρίµα ἐδόθη αὐτοῖς, καὶ τὰς ψυχὰς τῶν πεπελεκισµένων διὰ τὴν µαρτυρίαν Ἰησοῦ καὶ διὰ τὸν λόγον τοῦ θεοῦ, καὶ οἵτινες οὐ προσεκύνησαν τὸ θηρίον οὐδὲ τὴν εἰκόνα αὐτοῦ καὶ οὐκ ἔλαβον τὸ χάραγµα ἐπὶ τὸ µέτωπον καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν χεῖρα αὐτῶν· καὶ ἔζησαν καὶ ἐβασίλευσαν µετὰ τοῦ Χριστοῦ χίλια ἔτη.

Martyrs of the Tribulation and Old Testament believers will not receive their resurrection bodies until the age of Israel is complete. Thus, since the Tribulation is the last part of the Age of Israel (Daniel’s 70th week; each week representing 7 years), all Old Testament believers who have died before the 2nd Advent will receive their resurrection bodies at that time.


The First Resurrection:

1. Alpha Company: Jesus Christ received His resurrection body circa April 17, 30 A.D.

2. Bravo Company: Church Age believers will receive their resurrection bodies at the Rapture of the Church.

3. Charlie Company: Old Testament believers will receive their resurrection bodies at the 2nd Advent.

4. Delta Company: Millennial believers will receive their resurrection bodies at the end of the Millennium.

The Second Resurrection:

All unbelievers will receive their resurrection bodies just before the Great White Throne Judgment. After this judgment, they in their resurrection bodies will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

Revelation 20:5: (The rest of the dead [unbelievers of the Tribulation and all other unbelievers of human history] did not come to life [will not receive their eternal bodies as part of the Second Resurrection] until the thousand years have been completed.) This is the first resurrection [continues from Revelation 20:4].

οἱ λοιποὶ τῶν νεκρῶν οὐκ ἔζησαν ἄχρι τελεσθῇ τὰ χίλια ἔτη. αὕτη ἡ ἀνάστασις ἡ πρώτη.

The parenthesis is to bring out a contrast between the first and second resurrection. (The first resurrection includes the resurrection of the humanity of Christ three days after entering the tomb, the Church Age believers at the Rapture, the Old Testament believers at the 2nd Advent and finally Millennial believers at the end of the Millennium. The Second Resurrection is the resurrection of all unbelievers. This will occur at the end of human history. At that time all unbelievers will receive a resurrection body and will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment.) Those in the First Resurrection may have suffered in time, but in the eternal state will never suffer again. On the other hand, those in the Second Resurrection may have obtained much power, approbation, wealth etc. in time, but they will spend all eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:6: Happy [mentioned in Revelation 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 22:14] and sanctified [emphasis on ultimate sanctification: receiving one’s resurrection body] is the one who has part in the first resurrection [all believers]. Over these, the second death [the Lake of Fire] has no authority, but they [a reference to the 144,000] will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years.

µακάριος καὶ ἅγιος ὁ ἔχων µέρος ἐν τῇ ἀναστάσει τῇ πρώτῃ· ἐπὶ τούτων ὁ δεύτερος θάνατος οὐκ ἔχει ἐξουσίαν, ἀλλ’ ἔσονται ἱερεῖς τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ τοῦ Χριστοῦ, καὶ βασιλεύσουσιν µετ’ αὐτοῦ [τὰ] χίλια ἔτη.

All believers in human history participate in the 1st Resurrection and will be happy in the eternal state no matter what is their stage of spiritual growth or retrogression. However, the great believers of history will have great rewards, whereas those who fail to execute God’s plan will suffer loss of rewards in the Eternal State. Regarding a group who do succeed, for example, the 144,000 who were beheaded in the Tribulation will rule with Christ and function as priests in the Millennium Temple though the high priest will come from the line of Zadok (Ezekiel 40:46).

Revelation 20:7: And when the thousand years have been completed, Satan will be released from his prison [to make his closing statement].

Καὶ ὅταν τελεσθῇ τὰ χίλια ἔτη, λυθήσεται ὁ Σατανᾶς ἐκ τῆς φυλακῆς αὐτοῦ,

A short brief on the Appeal Trial: There was a prehistoric trial in which Satan and his minions were sentenced to the Lake of Fire. Matthew 25:41, “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from me accursed ones into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.’” Satan appealed, and God the Father, the presiding judge graciously granted him an appeal. The appeal spans human history which explains the following: why God created the first two human beings (If one is going to have a trial, one must have witnesses), why angels are permitted to participate in human history, why Satan was permitted to tempt the woman in the garden, and to cross examine Job, why human history is broken down into the different parts of a trial, why Satan and his angels were not immediately cast into the Lake of Fire, and why they will not enter the Lake of Fire until after human history comes to a close (Satan loses the appeal).

Revelation 20:8: And he will go out [predictive future] to deceive [culminative aorist: results in a revolution] the nations, those in the four hemispheres of the earth, Gog [code name for Satan] and Magog [code name for the conspiracy], to concentrate [military word] them for battle [Satan uses violence] whose number is like the sand of the sea [sand on beaches or under the oceans: an extremely large army].

καὶ ἐξελεύσεται πλανῆσαι τὰ ἔθνη τὰ ἐν ταῖς τέσσαρσιν γωνίαις τῆς γῆς, τὸν Γὼγ καὶ Μαγώγ, συναγαγεῖν αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸν πόλεµον, ὧν ὁ ἀριθµὸς αὐτῶν ὡς ἡ ἄµµος τῆς θαλάσσης.

People do not believe the lie until they first reject the truth, and once a person believes the lie, his life becomes a lie. This process involves lying to self and then lying to others. After rejecting the truth, Satan became the greatest and most effective liar in history, the first pathological liar. (A pathological liar has no truth in him so he has no qualms regarding lying, much different from a person lying to get out of a jam.) Just as Satan has rejected all truth so in the future the unbelievers in the Millennium will reject all truth. This rejection will leave them with no capacity for life, love and happiness and so no capacity for the perfect environment of the Millennial reign of Christ. In this state they will lust to serve their sin natures which will have been hindered and frustrated by the perfect government of the Millennium.

One thousand years in prison will not change the criminality of Satan, and so, after his release, he will make immediate plans for a revolution. He will not have learned the simplest of principles namely that the power of God is infinitely greater than the power of his creatures. (Arrogant creatures do not learn from experience.) The revolution’s code-named Gog and Magog is universal and international. Satan in hindsight will take his code name from a future ruler in the Tribulation (Gog, the King of the North) and his people (Magog) (Ezekiel 38:2, 15). The revolutionary army will number in the millions, maybe even in the billions.

After 1000 years in confinement, Satan leaves his imprisonment in good health since he is in his eternal body.

Revelation 20:9: Then, they marched over the wide terrain of the land [the high desert country of Southern Israel] and they surrounded [culminative aorist] the bivouac of the saints [gentile believers in mortal bodies who will have retreated before this army], and the beloved city [Jerusalem where the Jewish believers in mortal bodies will have fled for security]. Then, fire [or something approximating fire] came down [a constative aorist tense] from God [according to the best manuscripts] out of Heaven and consumed [destroyed] them.

καὶ ἀνέβησαν ἐπὶ τὸ πλάτος τῆς γῆς καὶ ἐκύκλευσαν τὴν παρεµβολὴν τῶν ἁγίων καὶ τὴν πόλιν τὴν ἠγαπηµένην. καὶ κατέβη πῦρ ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καὶ κατέφαγεν αὐτούς·

Satan [without angelic help] is able to manufacture weaponry and to train an army very quickly for the purpose of attacking Israel. He being an organizational genius will organize all the negative volition into a strong revolutionary army. (World peace and disarmament never prevent war since the power of arrogance is greater than the power of prosperity.) Armed and with overwhelming numbers, the revolutionary army will have great confidence in the evil genius of Satan. It seems that the concentration point of the invasion will be the Valley of Esdraelon.

Aggression gives tactical advantage. Thus, Satan and his invading force initially will have the advantage. However, the Lord operating under the principle of using violence to stop violence will use his divine flame thrower (or a divine laser or nuke weapon) to destroy this invading army.

Revelation 20:10: And the Devil [the enemy] who had deceived [durative present] them, was thrown [culminative aorist] into the Lake of Fire and burning sulfur, where the beast [the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire] and the false prophet [the false dictator and messiah of Israel] were. And they [the three just mentioned] will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

καὶ ὁ διάβολος ὁ πλανῶν αὐτοὺς ἐβλήθη εἰς τὴν λίµνην τοῦ πυρὸς καὶ θείου, ὅπου καὶ τὸ θηρίον καὶ ὁ ψευδοπροφήτης, καὶ βασανισθήσονται ἡµέρας καὶ νυκτὸς εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων.

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