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Written by: Max Klein

The Laws of Divine establishment are for both believer and unbeliever. These are the basic laws of freedom which permit evangelism, Bible teaching, and missionary activity. The laws of divine establishment balance freedom with authority. Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny. The unbeliever involved in anti-establishment is described in Romans 1:26-32, “For this reason God [the function of the Supreme Court of Heaven] he delivered them over to shameful lusts [turned them over to their sin natures]; even their own women exchanged their natural sexual function for that which is unnatural [lesbianism], (27) and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural sexual function with a woman and were inflamed with their lusts toward one another [homosexuality], men with other men committing the shameful deed [homosexuality: indecent acts] and receive in themselves the due penalty of their perversion [many plagues in history]. (28) And just as they did not see fit to have God in their knowledge any longer [negative volition at God-consciousness], God delivered them over to a depraved mind to do the things that are not proper, (29) being filled with all unrighteousness, greed, malice, full of jealousy, murder, dissension, deceit, evil motivation; they became gossips, (30) slanderers, haters of God, insolent, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, (31) without understanding, lacking honor and integrity, unloving [no capacity for love], implacable. (32) And although they know the righteous decree of God, that those who practice such things deserve death [capital punishment], they not only continue to do these very things, but also they approve of others who practice them." The believer involved in anti-establishment is described in 2 Timothy 3:2-7, "For persons [Church Age believers] will be lovers of self [cosmic one], lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, wicked, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self- control, brutal [emotion bringing about the irrational person: unreasonable, cruel, savage, violent, and inhuman], haters of good [of intrinsic value], treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an overt appearance of the spiritual life [hypocrisy of legalism], but they have denied its power [the two power options of the spiritual life]. Therefore, avoid these believers [who are anti-establishment and anti-protocol plan of God], for among these are those who worm their way into homes and captivate silly [weak] women who are loaded down with sins and swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to the metabolized knowledge [the Greek word epignosis] of the truth."

Rejecting all laws whether civil or spiritual and substituting cosmic panaceas. Rejection of the Laws of Divine Establishment and the delegated authority assigned to them results in the substitution of false solutions to the problems of life. The problem-solving devices of the protocol plan of God are rejected or ignored or both. This gate is that function of seeking solutions to the problems of life apart from truth in its three categories: The Laws of Divine Establishment. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Bible doctrine. Human viewpoint solutions to the problems of life are no substitute for divine solutions which are resident in the Protocol Plan of God.

Cosmic panaceas demand a full mobilization of arrogance, pride, and jealousy; so that self-righteousness, legalism, personality arrogance, authority arrogance, and Christian service arrogance can be expressed through crusader arrogance. (By definition, a panacea is a cure-all; a simple, stupid, disastrous solution from the tunnel vision of legalism or emotionalism.) Both authority and freedom are sacrificed on the altar of equality. Laws may guarantee equal opportunity, but no sane government would attempt to provide equality such as in mental health, mental ability, strength, motivation, love ad nauseam. Government tries to make us all equal economically which includes such things as taxing the rich to feed the poor, i.e., the redistribution of wealth, the break-up of successful business enterprises, the confiscation of property, the nationalization of industry, and the passing of laws to suit or conform to this false doctrine of equality.

Cosmic panaceas inevitably result in big government fat with bureaucrats and little people with less and less freedom in terms of rights, privacy and property. Cosmic panaceas advocate the criterion that make people slaves to the state instead of the government being the servant of the people. In a democracy, the citizens become the slaves of the state while demanding their rights. Cosmic panaceas are based on self-righteous arrogance. Hence, they promise all sorts of things that cannot be fulfilled. They are divorced from reality. Some of the so-called greatest Christian leaders of our day advocate violence to get their way. They support violence in destruction of property and even in destruction of life; e.g., attacks on women seeking abortions. Cosmic panaceas promote tremendous prejudice, violence, terrorism and warfare. Too many believers are influenced by Marxism, Bolshevism, Menshevism, some form of socialism, and other anti-Biblical idealisms which blind them to the evil they both advocate and practice.

No government or personal interest group can create equality in the human race. Only God can create equality, which He has done with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. So, a myth is destroyed. Equal opportunity is not equality. In fact, equal opportunity guarantees inequality, as demonstrated in both the temporal and spiritual realm. By creating equal opportunity in the Protocol Plan of God, God has guaranteed that in heaven there will be great inequality. There are always some people who use their equal opportunity, and some who do not.

In the name of the greater good for the greater number, the government commits crimes, sets itself above the law, and therefore destroys the laws which protect our freedom, privacy, property and lives. Socialism and Marxism are anti-freedom and anti-God, though many Christian organizations advocate their false doctrines and try to merge them with Christian doctrine. Without freedom, the individual cannot have a destiny. Without authority or establishment, one cannot have freedom.

Cosmic panaceas are designed to promote the rule of Satan on earth. He is the ruler of this world in name, but he becomes the ruler in effect through the arrogance of believers and unbelievers who cooperate to help his regime through crusader arrogance and cosmic panaceas. History has demonstrated the failure of cosmic panaceas in the devil's world. Crusader arrogance and its resultant cosmic panaceas add up to a false premise, and there is no solution to life based on a false premise or a false conclusion.


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